5 Easy ways to save energy while WFH (working from home)

MANAMA, BAHRAIN – April 23rd, 2020 – The majority of Bahrain’s population are currently working from home, and the days are starting to get warmer and warmer and warmer… Which means your air conditioner is switched on for most of the day. Not to forget all of the late nights everyone is having, staying up means keeping the lights on for longer. Phones and electronics are used more often, and charged more frequently. All that adds onto your electricity bill.

  • Power strip

Invest in a power strip, where you can use it to plug all the devices that you need for work, once you are done with it, you can simply switch off the strip and not have to forget about switching off all the connected sockets.

  • Laptop over Computer + Power saving

It is proven that laptops use less energy than a desk computer does, and your laptop has many settings for energy saving, have a look at your settings and reset a few things. It will save money on your bill for the long run.

  • Unplug

Remember to unplug your television, phone and everything you don’t need to use when you’re working. This way your productivity level is higher and your working hours are shorter. It’s a win-win scenario!

  • Candles

After a long working day, everyone loves to unwind. Turn off your devices, your flickering lights and lamps, and let candlelight do the work.

  • Extra saving tip: Sign up for solar energy

Not only will it help saving your electricity bill, but it will also decrease your carbon footprint. We have a great team of solar energy experts that will give you free consultation and quote for your businesses and residences. We live in a super sunny country, use it to your advantage.

Trust us, staying home is important and its allowing people to stop the spread and not get sick. It is also saving your petrol money! But it doesn’t have to cause a higher electricity bill. Stay safe everyone!